
II International Scientific and Practical Conference

Mechanisms for combating modern challenges and threats:

Lessons from the EU for Ukraine


On 28-29 February 2024, within the framework of the EU Erasmus+ Project “Implementation of European Union mechanisms for combating modern challenges and threats” (101085700 – IMEU – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEITCH-RSCH) (2022-2025), the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Mechanisms for combating modern challenges and threats: Lessons from the EU for Ukraine” was held at Sumy State University.

Scientific committee:

Olha Prokopenko (member of the Project group),

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Researcher, Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Science (Estonia); Professor of Economics Department, Collegium Mazovia Innovative University (Poland);

Yuriy Petrushenko

Doctor of Economics, Professor, the Heard of the Department of International Economic Relations, Sumy State University (Ukraine); vice-head, Public Union “Ukrainian Adult Education Association” (Ukraine);

Olha Popova

Doctor of Economics, Professor, the Head of the Management and Financial and Economic Security Department, Donetsk National Technical University (Ukraine);

Vitaiy Omelyanenkо (member of the Project group)

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Academician of Ukrainian Technological Academy, Head of Educational and Scientific Center of Project Technologies, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko (Ukraine); Postdoc, Estonian Entrepreneurial University of Applied Sciences (Estonia); Director, NGO Institute of Innovation Development Strategies and Knowledge Transfer (Ukraine);

Olena Markova

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, University of Lincoln (the United Kingdom); Associate Professor, the Department of Legal Disciplines, Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (Ukraine);

Viktoriia Shkola (leader of the Project group)

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, the Department of International Economic Relations, Sumy State University (Ukraine); Postdoc, Professorship of Sustainable Economic Policy, TUMCS for Biotechnology and Sustainability, Technical University of Munich (Germany);

Maryna Domashenko (member of the Project group)

PhD in Economics, Associate professor, Associate Professor, the Department of International Economic Relations, Sumy State University (Ukraine);

Мarina Jarvis

PhD in Business Administration, Associate Professor, Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Science, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia);

Maria Troyan (member of the Project group),

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Service, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko (Ukraine);

Tetiana Kurbatova

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations, Sumy State University (Ukraine); Senior Research Fellow of the Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex Business School, University of Sussex (the United Kingdom)


More than 160 registered participants from 15 countries of the world (Canada, China, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, USA) have taken part in the conference, including scientists, academics, students, representatives of business structures, civil servants, public activists and other stakeholders.

More than 100 participants representing diverse backgrounds and professions, including scientists, teachers, students, business representatives, civil servants, public activists and other stakeholders from 14 countries (Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, USA), came together to share their insights and experiences at the conference.

The event has been organised as a series of presentations about the Project, speakers’ reports on the best cases from the EU’s experience in countering modern challenges and threats, question and answer sessions, panel discussions, and promotion of further activities. Thus, the results of the EU Erasmus+ Project “Implementation of European Union mechanisms for combating modern challenges and threats” were discussed during the conference. Moreover, the project team and conference participants presented professional, meaningful and exciting reports. Their discussion has been held within thematic sections.

Furthermore, as part of the conference, the debate on “EU Mechanisms for Combating Modern Challenges and Threats: Strength vs Weaknesses” was held in Karl Popper format. The issues of “Modern mechanisms for countering hybrid threats from the Russian Federation” and “Restoring the Kakhovska HPP: feasibility, challenges and threats” were discussed during the debate.

By and large, this event allowed all the participants to increase their awareness of risk and safety issues, expand their knowledge about the EU priority strategies, and attract learners to the educational courses of the Project. Moreover, the conference contributed to achieving the aims of the EU Erasmus+ Project, such as “equip students and young professionals with knowledge of the EU subjects relevant for their academic and professional lives and enhance their civic skills”; “promote excellence in teaching and research in EU studies”, “improve the quality of professional training on EU subjects”.


More detailed information about the Conference can be found at the following Internet links:


Conference newsletter

Conference programme

The Conference Proceedings  (гіперлінк на репозитарій я вставила)

The project team’s reports and presentations

Meeting Record