The Final Series Of Lectures On Project Management According To EU Standards Was Conducted Within The Framework Of The Jean Monnet Project

From November 2023 to January 2024, a series of five lectures on the specifics of EU grant
opportunities was held as part of the EU’s financial period 2021-2027 for professional and organizational
development, attended by PhD students of SumDU under the discipline “Management of Research
Projects”. This lecture series was implemented within the project “EU Experience For Increasing The
Level Of Youth Employment Through The Development Of Professional Skills” (SKILLS4JOB), funded by
the Jean Monnet Module program. The lecturer of the series was Ph.D., Associate Professor of
International Economic Relations Department Oksana Zamora, President of the Project Managers
Association of Ukraine.

The subject “Management of Scientific Projects” aims to provide practical skills for SumDU PhD
students to formulate their scientific needs and ideas into a grant application and submit it for
competition. It includes the theory of project design, requirements of various donors, particularly the
specifics of scientific projects – research and institutional, as well as collaboration with other
stakeholders. As part of the Jean Monnet module implementation, associate professor Zamora
examined the specifics of EU grant instruments, including examples of funded projects using relevant EC
platforms, analysis of requirements and trends across specific funding programs, and their connection
with EU priorities and policies.
The goal of the mentioned Jean Monnet module “EU Experience For Increasing The Level Of
Youth Employment Through The Development Of Professional Skills” is to promote the experience of
the EU as a tool for enhancing employment opportunities for graduates in the EU market or in
companies operating under EU standards and value systems. Accordingly, this mentioned course for
PhD students was enhanced by incorporating components related specifically to EU financial
instruments. Each year, the practical part is enriched with new trends and cases. It is also worth noting
that lecturer Oksana Zamora regularly posts grant opportunities in the Facebook groups “SumDU PhD
Students” and “News of the Project Managers Association of Ukraine”, and also provides personal