- Last date: 2022-10-15
Scholarships for research at US universities, research and research institutions for three to nine months.
Areas of specialization: humanities, social, exact, technical and natural sciences.
Categories of participants: candidates of sciences, doctors of philosophy/doctors of arts, doctors of sciences; researchers without a scientific degree with a complete higher education (specialist, master), with experience of research work of at least five years, with available publications (articles, monographs or sections in monographs) in domestic and/or foreign (international) professional, scientific publications; cultural and artistic figures, librarians, journalists and lawyers – with a full higher education (specialist, master), at least five years of experience, significant professional achievements, scientific achievements in the chosen field of research (articles, monographs or sections in monographs) in domestic and/or foreign (international) professional, scientific publications.
Financial support: monthly scholarship; additional funds for purchasing professional literature; Medical Insurance; tickets in both directions.
Deadline for submission of documents: October 15, 2022.
More information about the program: http://www.fulbright.org.ua/uk/pages/37/scholar.html
For consultations on participation, contact the Department of International Cooperation at academobility@dir.sumdu.edu.ua.