Debates in Karl Popper format ”EU Mechanisms for Combating Modern Challenges and Threats: Strength vs Weaknesses”

March 30, 2023 the Debates in Karl Popper format ”EU Mechanisms for Combating Modern Challenges and Threats: Strength vs Weaknesses” has been conducted within the International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Mechanisms for combating modern challenges and threats: Lessons from the EU for Ukraine’ that has been held at Sumy State University within the Project of the Programme EU Erasmus+ «Implementation of European Union mechanisms for combating modern challenges and threats» (101085700 – IMEU – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH) (2022-2025).

As part of the debate between representatives of the Project’s target groups (representatives of the academic community, local authorities, business structures, civic activists and other stakeholders), the issue of the effectiveness of the mechanisms of cultural diplomacy in the context of the challenges of the war has been discussed. The main purpose of debates is to develop students’ critical thinking skills, search for arguments, respect for opponents, as well as the ability to convey one’s own opinion in a polite manner.

Debate Methodology

The Karl-Popper format focuses on relevant and often deeply divisive positions, emphasizing the development of critical thinking skills and tolerance for differing viewpoints. There are two teams, an Affirmative Team and a Negative Team. Each team receives a case in advance that describes restrictions and problems with implementation of EU politics and mechanisms for combating modern challenges and threats in Ukraine. The task of the Injured Party (Affirmative Team) is to prove non-viability of EU mechanisms for combating modern challenges and threats in Ukraine; the task of the Government (Negative Team) is to deny non-viability of EU mechanisms for combating modern challenges and threats in Ukraine. Debaters work together in teams of three and must research both sides of each debated issue. Each team is given the opportunity to offer arguments and direct questions to the opposing team. Judges then offer constructive feedback, commenting on logical flaws, insufficient evidence or arguments that debaters may have overlooked.

In accordance with the Debating Rules, two opposing teams and a judging team have been formed from debate participants during the event. The judge team voted for the team whose arguments during the discussion had been more convincing.

Representatives of the Affirmative Team:

  1. Kostiantyn Kotliarevskyi – student, Zespół Szkół Zawodowych im. S. Konarskiego w Opole Lubelskie (Poland)
  2. Maryna Lapshyna – student (group Ме-02 а.аn), Sumy State University (Ukraine)
  3. Veronika Shevchenko – student (group Ме-11), Sumy State University (Ukraine)

The task of the team: to justify the effectiveness and high efficiency of the mechanisms of cultural diplomacy in the context of the challenges of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Representatives of the Negative Team:

  1. Valery Domashenko – student (group Ме-02а.аn), Sumy State University (Ukraine)
  2. Anna Yermolenko – student (group Ме-11), Sumy State University Ukraine)
  3. Daryna Petrovchuk – student (group Ме-11), Sumy State University (Ukraine)

The task of the team: to deny the high efficiency of the mechanisms of cultural diplomacy in the context of the challenges of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The jury has included all other debaters taken part in the event, including representatives of migrants, displaced persons and national minorities who joined the debate.

The moderators of the event have been PhD, Associate professor Maryna Domashenko and PhD, Associate Professor Viktoriia Shkola.

In total, more than 30 participants (including students studying International Economic Relations at Sumy State University, students of other Ukrainian and European universities, as well as scientists, academics, representatives of business structures and other stakeholders) have taken part in the debate.

Participating in the debate helped participants develop important skills that are necessary for success in higher education, careers and professional life in today’s democratic society.

In general, as part of the implementation of the Project, it is planned to hold a series of debates during the period of the implementation of the Project. Debate topics planned for discussion within the framework of the Project implementation include the EU Agenda in the field of environmental protection, security, energy, climate change, public health and digital policy, as well as urgent issues of countering the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and support by countries-members of the EU of Ukraine.

More detailed information about the Conference can be found at the following Internet links:

Rules of conducting debates 

Meeting record