Baltic University Program: Reunion for Education for Sustainable Development

On March 23-24, 2021 lecturers of the Institute Nadiya Kostyuchenko and
Denys Smolennikov joined the event "BUP Reunion" of the Baltic University
Program. It took place online via Zoom and unite participants form previous
educational projects of the program in 2017-2020.
Participants had the opportunity to meet online, chat in small groups, take part
in a design thinking workshop, share ideas and successes of their change
projects, which they implemented in their universities.
Nadiya Kostyuchenko and Denys Smolennikov participanted in the internship
program for teachers "Education for Sustainable Development", which took
place in 2017-2018 at the University of Abo University (Turku, Finland) with
two face-to-face seminars at Kaunas University of Technology (Kaunas,
Lithuania) and Riga Technical University (Riga, Latvia). Nadiya Kostyuchenko
was also a mentor of the teacher training program in 2018-2019.