The Lecturer of the Department Took Part in the Jubilee Meeting of the Magna Carta Observatory of European Universities

On October 23-25, 2023, PhD, associate professor of the IER Department Oksana Zamora, was invited to participate in the anniversary event and the annual conference of Magna Charta Universitatum held at the University of Lodz, Poland. The theme of the MCO 2023 conference was “Universities and Urban Renewal: the Role of Research and Education”, and Ms Zamora was invited to facilitate one of the world cafe tables, the resolutions of which can be found on the Observatory’s website. The table topic was “The role of digitally enhanced education in enhancing the resilience of a HEI and a university community”.
The University Charter, first signed by 388 chancellors in 1988 in the presence of many political leaders and representatives of society and revised in 2020 to reflect the changes in the world facing universities, supports the mission and activities of universities worldwide. Currently, it is signed by more than 950 heads of universities around the world. Every year, the Observatory of the Magna Carta organizes an international conference to solve current problems in the defense of fundamental values and corresponding service to society and also celebrates a ceremony when more rectors sign the Magna Charter of universities.
The conference’s topics covered the transformation of cities, which became necessary due to the destruction caused by war, as is happening in Ukraine, the disappearance of traditional industries, climate change and social transformations. The theme involves the application of Magna Carta principles and values, including the principle that “teaching and research should be inseparable and students should seek knowledge and better understanding”. Renowned international speakers presented their perspectives and led discussions, while participants from universities worldwide worked closely together through a wide range of focused small-group discussions.