The Project of the Programme EU Erasmus+ «Implementation of European Union mechanisms for combating modern challenges and threats»

Since October 2022, research team of the Department of International Economic Relations of Sumy State University have been implementing a grant of the European Commission, the Jean Monnet Module project “Implementation of European Union Mechanisms for Combating Modern Challenges and Threats” (101085700-IMEU-ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH).

Project duration: 36 months.

Project team

 Leader of the Project group: Viktoriia Shkola, Ph.D in Economics, Associate professor, Leading researcher, the International Economic Relations Department, Sumy State University (Ukraine); Postdoc, Professorship of Sustainable Economic Policy, TUMCS for Biotechnology and Sustainability, Technical University of Munich (Germany)

Maryna Domashenko, Ph.D in Economics, Associate professor, Associate professor, the International Economic Relations Department, Sumy State University (Ukraine);

Vitaiy Omelyanenkо, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Academician of Ukrainian Technological Academy, Head of Educational and Scientific Center of Project Technologies, Sumy State Makarenko Pedagogical University (Ukraine); Postdoc, Estonian Entrepreneurial University of Applied Sciences (Estonia); Director, NGO Institute of Innovation Development Strategies and Knowledge Transfer (Ukraine)

Maria Troyan, Ph.D in Economics, Associate professor of the Department of tourism and hotel and restaurant service, Sumy State Makarenko Pedagogical University (Ukraine)

Olha Prokopenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Researcher, Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Science (Estonia); Professor of Economics Department, Collegium Mazovia Innovative University (Poland)

Project aim

The project “IMEU” is designed to promote excellence in teaching and academic research on the implementation EU’s mechanisms, aimed at preventing and mitigating global risks (namely economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal, and technological), global security crises, tackling challenges faced and far-looking threats to make Europe, including Ukraine, and all the world greener, more digital, sustainable, resilient and secure. The project is expected to share the results of activities at local, regional, national and international levels.

More detailed information about the progress in the Jean Monet module performing can be found at the following Internet links:

The first year of the project
  1. Materials of new courses “European Union Mechanisms for Global Risks Mitigation” (EUM4GRM), “European Green Deal: implementation in the EU”, “Information and Digital Development for sustainable future”, “Sustainable, Resilient and Secure City Development”
  2. Conference: “Mechanisms for combating modern challenges and threats: Lessons from the EU for Ukraine”
  3. Debates in Karl Popper format ”EU Mechanisms for Combating Modern Challenges and Threats: Strength vs Weaknesses”
  4. Teaching 1: “European Union Mechanisms for Global Risks Mitigation” (EUM4GRM)
  5. Teaching 2: “European Green Deal: implementation in the EU”
  6. Teaching 3: “Information and Digital Development for sustainable future”
  7. Teaching 4: “Sustainable, Resilient and Secure City Development”
  8. Participation in the hearings of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Economic Development on the topic “Plan for Ukraine’s recovery from the war consequences”
  9. Participation in the 22nd Bavarian Micro Day
  10. Participation in the Round Table “Successful European practices of zero waste and circular economy development: prospects for implementation in Ukraine”
  11. Participation in the International roundtable debate «Social entrepreneurship and traditional forms of management in the EU: experience for Ukraine»
  12. Participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Sustainable Development: Modern Theories and Best Practices”
The second year of the project
  1. Participation in training «Gamification in Teaching»
  2. Participation in the 2nd Interdisciplinary PostDoc Event
  3. Participation in workshops on basic stress resilience skills in communications during the war
  4. Participating in the VII Ukrainian Women’s Congress “Women’s Leadership. Recovery time. Time to rebuild
  5. Participating in the TUM Research Fest 2023
  6. Participation in the international conference «Energy Security Dialogue 2023: Resilience & Recovery»
  7. Participating in a series of intercultural events
  8. Participation in the online event “Economic trends from the point of view of business”
  9. Participation in the workshop “Ethics and gender sensitivity in research”
  10. Participation in the online event “Medium-sized business in Ukraine: Terra incognita or “hidden” Mittelstand”
  11. Participation in scientific and educational internship (Tallinn, Estonia)
  12. Participation in the educational module “Policy of the stability of the EU economy”
  13. Scientific and practical conference “Mechanisms for countering modern challenges and threats: EU experience for Ukraine”
  14. Debate in the format of Karl Popper “EU Mechanisms to Counter Modern Challenges and Threats: Strengths and Weaknesses”
  15. Participation in the Round Table “Ukrainian Customs in the conditions of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union”
  16. Participation in the Polish-Ukrainian Conference “Strategic partnership: deepening of Polish-Ukrainian relations in the European context”
  17. Conducting the training course “European Union mechanisms for reducing global risks” (EUM4GRM)
  18. International Summer School “European Green Dimensions: Challenges for Ukraine”
  19. Participating in the International Summer School at the University of Liverpool
  20. Participation in the online event “Economic trends from the point of view of business (August 2024)”